Alison L. Crisp

Exoplanet astronomer + science communicator.

Historical Astronomy

Landolt Plate Catalog

Since the unfortunate passing of Dr. Arlo Landolt in 2022, I have been working with his former postdoc, Dr. James Clem, to catalog and preserve the vast amounts of data he left behind. This collection includes thousands of photometric and spectroscopic plates from Arlo and others, as well as tapes, floppy disks, CDs, written notes, and much more.

A full list of the plates I have cataloged so far can be found at this link.

An ADS library of papers I have been able to associate with the plates, as well as papers about data preservation in general, can be found at this link.

Space Policy

I have had a particular interest in the history of space policy since taking a class on the subject with Dr. Karl Leib in 2017. My current concerns mostly lie in the ever-growing number of satellites being launched into orbit. Check back here for more later, as I write up some of the history and my concerns for Astrobites.