Alison L. Crisp

Exoplanet astronomer + science communicator.

Curriculum Vitae

Exoplanet astronomer at Louisiana State University and writer with the Astrobites Collaboration.

Full CV available here.

Ph.D., Physics, Louisiana State University — Expected July 2024

M.S., Physics, Louisiana State University — December 2021

B.S. Physics & Mathematics, Christian Brothers University — May 2018

MISHAPS Collaboration

MISHAPS — the Multiband Image Survey for High-Alpha PlanetS — is a transit survey of high-[α/Fe] populations (the Galactic bulge, 47 Tucanae, and ω Centauri). We aim to find and characterize hot Jupiters and their host stars, constrain their occurrence rates, and help disentangle the relationship between giant planet formation and elemental abundances. The survey uses the Dark Energy Camera at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory.


2. Crisp, A. L., Klüter, J., Penny, M. T., and 13 co-authors, “MISHAPS I: New Constraints on the Occurrence Rates of Hot Jupiters in 47 Tucanae” (in-prep, draft available upon request)

1. Lewis, B. L., Waggoner, A. R., Clarke, E., and 16 co-authors including Crisp, A. L., “Exploring the Effects of Astrobites Lesson Plans on Undergraduate Astronomy Students,” 2023, Journal of Science Education and Technology. (Submitted, arXiv:2309.05822)

12. Crisp, A., “Increasing accessibility in STEM classrooms through Access Talk,” Astrobites, Jul. 2022.

11. Crisp, A., “Iron Abundance and the Formation of Terrestrial Exoplanets,” Astrobites, Jan. 2022.

10. Crisp, A., “Ecology to Astrobiology: Modeling the Habitability of Other Worlds,” Astrobites, Oct. 2021.

9. Crisp, A., “In-‘creasing’ Exomoon Candidates Through Folding,” Astrobites, Sep. 2021.

8. Crisp, A., “A Star Askew: A Potential Cause of the Misalignment of a Star and Its Planets,” Astrobites, Apr. 2021.

7. Crisp, A., “Mind the Gap! Investigating a Potential Cause of the Exoplanet Radius Valley,” Astrobites, Dec. 2020. Also featured in AAS Nova.

6. Crisp, A., “Don’t change the station! Substellar objects are up next!” Astrobites, Oct. 2020. Also featured in AAS Nova.

5. Crisp, A., “Chasing a Starlight: Investigating One of the Oldest Known Galaxies with MUSE,” Astrobites, Sep. 2020.

4. Crisp, A., “Stellar Nucleosynthesis? That’s So Metal!” Astrobites, Aug. 2020.

3. Crisp, A., “Letting the Trojans out of the Horse: Trojan Asteroids Escape Their Orbits,” Astrobites, May 2020.

2. Crisp, A., “You’ve Got a Friend in Me: A Hot Jupiter with a Unique Companion,” Astrobites, Apr. 2020. Also featured in AAS Nova.

1. Crisp, A., “FRB 121102 CHIMEs in Again,” Astrobites, Feb. 2020.


1. “Measuring Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rates in High-Alpha Stellar Populations with DECam. Invited colloquium for the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, La Serena, Chile, June 7th, 2023.


7. “New Constraints on the Giant Planet Occurrence Rate in 47 Tuc.” Oral, 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, New Orleans, LA, January 7-11th, 2024. (Upcoming)

6. Searching for Giant Exoplanets in Different Stellar Populations.” Oral, LSU Graduate Research Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, April 26th, 2023.

5. Measuring the Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rates in High-Alpha Stellar Populations with DECam.” Oral, 241st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, WA, January 8-12th, 2023.

4. Measuring the Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rate in High-α Stellar Populations.” Oral, NOIRLab DECam at 10 Workshop, Tuscon, AZ, September 12-14th, 2022.

3. Measuring the Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rate in the Galactic Bulge.” JHUAPL CHAMPs Early Career Highlight Seminar, Virtual, January 13-14th, 2022.

2. Measuring the Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rate in the Galactic Bulge with MISHAPS.” Oral, 239th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, January 9-13th, 2022. (Cancelled)

1. Optimization of the MISHAPS Pipeline.” Poster, NExScI Exoplanet Demographics Conference, Virtual, November 9-13th, 2020.